This is real stuff you know. It is so real to me that I was willing to take prison for it, even take a bullet for it if I have to. It is my mission to make God’s mysteries known, plain and simple, accessible to everyone. In case you hadn’t figured it out yet – God has a plan! In the past it was hidden like a treasure in the deepest sea, but now it is now being shown to you, clear as crystal.
The plan is this: Everyone gets the chance to be one of God’s children. Everyone gets an equal share in the inheritance –the good stuff usually reserved for the posh or the privileged. If we were God’s body, then every part would be connected together, legs, arms and all, because we are connected to Jesus by the heart.
I tell you what, I feel like the luckiest guy in the world, because I get to spread this good news everywhere! I absolutely love telling you about the endless possibilities that exist for you, now you have Jesus in your life. It feels like I have been let in on an awesome secret, and I can finally let it out!
God wants to show you off to the world, together with all his other children. Some people will call you “church”, others will simply call you “family”. But everyone will see how special God is, because of how special he has made you. Even the angels, demons and the things you can’t even see with your eyes, will not believe their eyes, when they see how loving and wise God has been with you.
So come on, don’t worry, step right up and come on in – God has a warm welcome for you, right now. You can be close to God anytime you want, that’s exactly why Jesus died for you!
Excuse me, but I am about to go nuts again. It just gets better and better. I can’t even stand up anymore when I really think about it. I simply have to fall to my knees and pray. But I don’t pray for myself, I always pray for you. I pray you will be super strong on the inside, when you realise how strong and powerful God is. I pray Jesus will feel completely at home in your life – with every room in your heart clean and ready to be occupied by God.
But most of all I pray you will get it into your head and your heart, just how loved you are. I pray you will understand how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. Let yourself sink into that love, lose yourself completely in something that you will never fully understand, but will spend eternity enjoying and experiencing forever. Lots of people in this world want to be powerful, but I know you just want to be loved. And this love will help you see how much power that there truly is. It is a power, just waiting to be used for the good of everyone; by the person who has figured out that God thinks they are amazing.
I think it is time to take a moment again to say just how brilliant God is. He is amazing, and his power in our lives will take us in new directions, give us new ideas and help us succeed in new ways of living that we could never have asked for or even dared to dream about in and beyond our wildest imagination. God rocks!
The plan is this: Everyone gets the chance to be one of God’s children. Everyone gets an equal share in the inheritance –the good stuff usually reserved for the posh or the privileged. If we were God’s body, then every part would be connected together, legs, arms and all, because we are connected to Jesus by the heart.
I tell you what, I feel like the luckiest guy in the world, because I get to spread this good news everywhere! I absolutely love telling you about the endless possibilities that exist for you, now you have Jesus in your life. It feels like I have been let in on an awesome secret, and I can finally let it out!
God wants to show you off to the world, together with all his other children. Some people will call you “church”, others will simply call you “family”. But everyone will see how special God is, because of how special he has made you. Even the angels, demons and the things you can’t even see with your eyes, will not believe their eyes, when they see how loving and wise God has been with you.
So come on, don’t worry, step right up and come on in – God has a warm welcome for you, right now. You can be close to God anytime you want, that’s exactly why Jesus died for you!
Excuse me, but I am about to go nuts again. It just gets better and better. I can’t even stand up anymore when I really think about it. I simply have to fall to my knees and pray. But I don’t pray for myself, I always pray for you. I pray you will be super strong on the inside, when you realise how strong and powerful God is. I pray Jesus will feel completely at home in your life – with every room in your heart clean and ready to be occupied by God.
But most of all I pray you will get it into your head and your heart, just how loved you are. I pray you will understand how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. Let yourself sink into that love, lose yourself completely in something that you will never fully understand, but will spend eternity enjoying and experiencing forever. Lots of people in this world want to be powerful, but I know you just want to be loved. And this love will help you see how much power that there truly is. It is a power, just waiting to be used for the good of everyone; by the person who has figured out that God thinks they are amazing.
I think it is time to take a moment again to say just how brilliant God is. He is amazing, and his power in our lives will take us in new directions, give us new ideas and help us succeed in new ways of living that we could never have asked for or even dared to dream about in and beyond our wildest imagination. God rocks!