He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8
I don't know about you but there are times when I am more interested in history than I am in the future. I mean there are only so many times a mobile phone can get smaller and there must be a limit to the number of cup holders you can fit in your hover car. After a while the glorious technological future ahead becomes a little bit shiney and ever so slightly boring. But the past, the past is often colourful, exciting, gritty, real, inspiring and thought provoking. If we want to reach our destiny, we have to understand our legacy. History books can often teach us more than the latest trendy book on culture.
I have just finished reading a short book called "The story of slavery" which traces our brutal past regarding the slave trade throughout human history. From China to Egypt, all over the globe, we (especially the UK) have a diabolical record of mistreating other human beings for our own personal gain.
As I read about the great sacrifice of men like William Wilberforce in this country and Abraham Lincoln in the USA, I often wonder how other legitimate decent (even "Christian" ) men could stand by and let such awful stuff go on around them?
I marvel at Wilberforces determination and passion to bring down a cruel dynasty but I fail to understand why the tide was so strong before it turned. How could anyone allow men, women and children to be shackled, chained to one another, crammed in a boat and dragged across the world just so people can have an extra lump of sugar, a nice bar of chocolate and an extra pair of hands on the farm?
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Edward Burke
Looking at history we see that "good" people were often insensitive to the injustice around them for different reasons. Maybe they choose not to look beyond the veil of their own "comfort culture" to see the world through the eyes of others. Maybe they chose to listen to the crowd and not the creator. Maybe they did not admit their own sense of pride, hatred, prejudice and selfishness. Maybe it was simply easier to do nothing. Either way, these are all big "history lessons" we could do with heeding right now in 2009.
There were two men having a conversation about God and one of them says to the other "If I could see God right now, I would ask him how could he sit back and do nothing when there is so much suffering and injustice going on in the world around him." The other friend listened and then said in return "Yeah thats a good point, but you know what, I am afraid that God would ask me the same question..."
I am desperate for the history books not to record that we were another generation of good people who allowed evil to prevail by doing nothing.
I pray that as the "body of christ" here on this earth we will begin to take up our responsibility and calling to stand up against the injustice we see... in the far off country... in the sweat shop... in the family home.... in the office staff room... on the playground.... in ourselves.
Isaiah 61 clearly says:
The Lord God has put his Spirit in me,
because the Lord has appointed me to tell the good news to the poor.
He has sent me to comfort those whose hearts are broken,
to tell the captives they are free,
and to tell the prisoners they are released.
I used to think that these verses were about bringing "spiritual freedom" to people by God's power. Now I am not so sure. So What do you think?