"But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves." James 1:22
When I was a Kid I used to dream about the what the future would be like and look ahead at those amazing days when we would as Prince (or squiggle) told us to "party like it's 1999".
It was a future where everyone wore shiny space suits, flew around on hover boards and had robots that did everything for them especially school work. It was a vision that was a combination of Back to The Future with a bit of Button Moon thrown in for good measure!
Naturally my predictions about the future were quite wrong and it seems that I am not the only one to look at the world today and try to judge what things will be like in the distant future. Even so called "experts" don't always get it right - check out these quotes...
The horse is here to stay but the automobile is only a novelty, a fad. Advisor to Henry Ford, Founder of Ford Motor Company, 1903.
There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home. President of Digital Equipment Corp arguing against the PC in 1977.
Television won't last because people will soon get tired of staring at a wooden box every night. Darryl Zanuck, movie producer, 20th Century Fox, 1946.
We laugh at these and other crazy things that people say are supposed to happen (remember the millennium bug?) but when it comes to things we say about our own future and the predictions we make about where we are going, we fail to see how often we miss the mark. We say things without ever knowing how we are going to make them happen. We are quick to talk the talk without intending to walk the walk.
Sadly thousands of young people who set out with passion and positive motivation for the days ahead end up distracted, sidetracked or worse still fallen away all together. Why? Because like the people that thought horses would rule the world and wondered why people would ever want to sit googling at a box night after night, they failed to see the bigger picture. And they failed to be a part of painting it.
When I was a Kid I used to dream about the what the future would be like and look ahead at those amazing days when we would as Prince (or squiggle) told us to "party like it's 1999".
It was a future where everyone wore shiny space suits, flew around on hover boards and had robots that did everything for them especially school work. It was a vision that was a combination of Back to The Future with a bit of Button Moon thrown in for good measure!
Naturally my predictions about the future were quite wrong and it seems that I am not the only one to look at the world today and try to judge what things will be like in the distant future. Even so called "experts" don't always get it right - check out these quotes...
The horse is here to stay but the automobile is only a novelty, a fad. Advisor to Henry Ford, Founder of Ford Motor Company, 1903.
There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home. President of Digital Equipment Corp arguing against the PC in 1977.
Television won't last because people will soon get tired of staring at a wooden box every night. Darryl Zanuck, movie producer, 20th Century Fox, 1946.
We laugh at these and other crazy things that people say are supposed to happen (remember the millennium bug?) but when it comes to things we say about our own future and the predictions we make about where we are going, we fail to see how often we miss the mark. We say things without ever knowing how we are going to make them happen. We are quick to talk the talk without intending to walk the walk.
Sadly thousands of young people who set out with passion and positive motivation for the days ahead end up distracted, sidetracked or worse still fallen away all together. Why? Because like the people that thought horses would rule the world and wondered why people would ever want to sit googling at a box night after night, they failed to see the bigger picture. And they failed to be a part of painting it.
Our futuristic vision should not only be founded on what we want to be for God tomorrow but how we can build towards it today. Are too many Christians living in static religious fantasy rather than living according to the dynamic dream of God? Are we not called to be doers of the word and not just speakers of it?
As we begin to conclude our look at foundations, we are challenged to be those who are willing to see the big picture now in order to build a foundation for our futures. Why not take some time to review some of the foundational mindsets we have looked at over the last few posts and see how you can begin to outwork them in reality of your life NOW. I have one risky prediction and I am desperate for it stand the test of time. My prediction for the empowered generation is that we will be those who don’t just fleetingly aspire to be History Makers but we will begin to purposely shape our futures today. Let the history books say we were more than those who simply knew it in our heads, but those who were willing to do it with our lives.
I have been very provoked by all your posts on foundations, Dave! I think if people soberly assess their foundations in Jesus, and really take these things on board, we will be a generation who are not easily knocked down! I am so challenged to live in the here-and-now! I pray that people will wake up to the purpose God has for their lives, and begin to invest into it today!! Jesus, help us to keep our eyes firmly fixed on you and your eternal plan! I pray that this generation will begin to look into the future with great HOPE, and take hold of the responsibility to build their foundations on you TODAY! Thankyou Father, that we are a part of your eternal plan, and that you lead and direct us as we give our lives to follow you! I am secure in you and your plan, and I chose to live in it TODAY!