In the past I have been struck how many young people I have met in the church (including myself) whose main aspiration was to ‘be someone’ in the traditional church set up. Of course, by ‘someone’ that usually meant the preacher up the front, the trendy worship leader or the ‘full time’ minister.
Nowadays however, I can see a shift is taking place across the Church, meaning we can no longer easily use phrases like ‘full time’ as if ministry is something for the exclusive and privileged chosen few. Maybe there is a generation arising that have transitioned their thinking from a Ministry or Work mentality to a Ministry in Work pattern or even dare we say it... the idea that Work IS Ministry.
The bottom line for Christians is this: At the beginning of time our work was seen as part of the curse. The power of the Cross means that our work can be seen as part of the redemptive solution.
Most of us believe this in principle, but we still find it hard to compare equally someone who sells widgets all day over the phone, with someone who is on stage healing the sick in front of thousands. However, both expressions of ministry can be valid contributions to God’s Kingdom, and the challenge for us all is to begin to see our whole lives (not just the so called spiritual parts) as integrally set apart and holy for God. As one writer puts it:
“Most of us are Christians and something else; i.e.: A Christian and a Doctor or a Christian and a Manager. We do not engage in our daily tasks integrally as Christians ... Well-meaning Christians are merely adding faith to their vocation rather than letting faith transform their vocation."
Can our faith transform our vocation? Whether you are a butcher, a baker or a candlestick maker, I believe it can. Your 9 till 5 can be a place to serve and glorify the God who lives in us 24/7. Beyond any type of human activity, it is our heart attitude, our character and our contribution that makes the difference. It is who we are that makes an impact, whether getting on the stage, or getting on with a task list. True ministry is simply service to God no matter what shape it takes.
The worlds of work and ministry can fit together. For every elder, priest, prophet and apostle we find in the Bible, there was a shepherd, potter, carpenter, teacher or a physician. More importantly these two worlds often collide (whoever heard of the carpenter prophet? Can you imagine a tentmaker apostle?) Each character in the Bible was given a special purpose and part to play in God’s big unfolding story – just like you. Today, the walls are breaking down and the boundaries are being blurred. We are not defined by job titles; we are defined by our life in the spirit.
Jesus showed us how to live holistically, seeing everything as spiritual and walking in humble service whilst operating in mission focussed power. By the power of the Holy Spirit, why can’t we do the same?
Nowadays however, I can see a shift is taking place across the Church, meaning we can no longer easily use phrases like ‘full time’ as if ministry is something for the exclusive and privileged chosen few. Maybe there is a generation arising that have transitioned their thinking from a Ministry or Work mentality to a Ministry in Work pattern or even dare we say it... the idea that Work IS Ministry.
The bottom line for Christians is this: At the beginning of time our work was seen as part of the curse. The power of the Cross means that our work can be seen as part of the redemptive solution.
Most of us believe this in principle, but we still find it hard to compare equally someone who sells widgets all day over the phone, with someone who is on stage healing the sick in front of thousands. However, both expressions of ministry can be valid contributions to God’s Kingdom, and the challenge for us all is to begin to see our whole lives (not just the so called spiritual parts) as integrally set apart and holy for God. As one writer puts it:
“Most of us are Christians and something else; i.e.: A Christian and a Doctor or a Christian and a Manager. We do not engage in our daily tasks integrally as Christians ... Well-meaning Christians are merely adding faith to their vocation rather than letting faith transform their vocation."
Can our faith transform our vocation? Whether you are a butcher, a baker or a candlestick maker, I believe it can. Your 9 till 5 can be a place to serve and glorify the God who lives in us 24/7. Beyond any type of human activity, it is our heart attitude, our character and our contribution that makes the difference. It is who we are that makes an impact, whether getting on the stage, or getting on with a task list. True ministry is simply service to God no matter what shape it takes.
The worlds of work and ministry can fit together. For every elder, priest, prophet and apostle we find in the Bible, there was a shepherd, potter, carpenter, teacher or a physician. More importantly these two worlds often collide (whoever heard of the carpenter prophet? Can you imagine a tentmaker apostle?) Each character in the Bible was given a special purpose and part to play in God’s big unfolding story – just like you. Today, the walls are breaking down and the boundaries are being blurred. We are not defined by job titles; we are defined by our life in the spirit.
Jesus showed us how to live holistically, seeing everything as spiritual and walking in humble service whilst operating in mission focussed power. By the power of the Holy Spirit, why can’t we do the same?

24/7 ministers, like you and me, see their workplace as a place to serve others. When we serve with excellence, go the extra mile, and generously give of ourselves to customers and co-workers, we genuinely let our lights shine. Show me a gossip free person, who lives by their convictions, doesn’t moan or complain, forgives mistakes quickly, admits their own even quicker, and works hard in any circumstances and I will show you someone who stands out from the crowd, revealing Christ and his Kingdom to the world. Show me a Christian who stands steadfast, secure and free from fear, in the midst of job losses and credit crunches, and I will show you someone who is sounding a prophetic voice to the nations.
24/7 ministers like you and me, see their workplace as a place to reach out to others. Most jobs have regular contact with people – human beings - and because of this we can see ourselves as missionaries every day. The gospel can be displayed through our caring actions, our listening ear, and that big report that gets delivered on time. People need Jesus, and where you are, Jesus is there too.
Through our jobs, we have a unique opportunity to show creative expressions of what our God is like through our daily work tasks. Our God is like a composer, a potter, a gardener, a farmer, a shepherd, a builder and an architect. Is it worth taking a minute to prophetically envision ways could God be expressed through what you do as a job?
When we get a revelation of being a minister in the workplace, we will quickly find that not everyone will be pleased with us all the time. When people encounter the upside down kingdom of Jesus Christ they can sometimes paradoxically perceive our humility as arrogance or our love as judgement. If you want to make an impact in the workplace, we must heed Jesus’ words of “Woe to you when all men speak well of you”. Church Planter, Neil Cole, says that people are either like Moths or Cockroaches when it comes to our God-given light – they are either attracted to it or they scarper! If we are caught up with gaining approval from others then we won’t be able to make the most of every opportunity God gives us.
In the midst of disapproval, uncertainty, stress and difficulty, we can draw on the support of fellow Christians, soak in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit and use the power of the Sabbath to help us persevere. As people see our righteousness, they hear a message as powerful as any preached word.
Whilst the world is saying Thank God it’s Friday and the church of the past said Thank God it’s Sunday, what a joy to be part of a rising generation that is able to Thank God it’s Monday too...
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