Saturday 28 March 2009


What do Lions, Fires, Prisons and Broken Dreams have in common?

These were just some of the challenges Daniel faced from the day he was captured and thrust into a completely new environment with the Babylonians. But lions and fires and bears (hoorah) weren't all he had to deal with. More dangerous than hungry cats in a pit, this amazing teenager Daniel managed to face and overcome four of the biggest challenges you or I are ever likely to face:
  • THe CHALLENGE of CHANGE: How do you deal with the transitions in your life?
  • The CHALLENGE of CULTURE: How do you respond to the world you live in?
  • The CHALLENGE of COMPROMISE: Where are you willing to take your stand and where are you willing to fall?
  • The CHALLENGE of CONFLICT: How do cope with the pressure of clashing agendas?
Four big challenges. Four big questions. At some point we will all face up to some of these tests that could leave us feeling hotter than one of Nebuchadnesser's firemen. Why not take some time to look into the lions mouth and see if you can hold your nerve as you consider which of these challenges you are facing right now? Read Daniel Chapter 1 and consider each of the above challenges in the context of his young life. As you identify them in Daniels life, see where they fit into your own.

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