Saturday 3 January 2009

Our FOUNDATIONS are built on Jesus...

"Together, we are his (God's) house, built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets. And the cornerstone is Christ Jesus himself." Ephesians 2:20

Foundations are probably the most important part of any building. One of the first Bible Verses we find in the New Testament that talks about foundations refers to a different kind of building project that doesn't use bricks, but instead uses people - today we call this the church.

One of our "page 1" (where we start) mindsets we must have in place is the idea that when we become a Christian we are not alone anymore. We cannot exist independantly of one another. It doesn't matter who our family is, what our background is or how many people are in our little youth group on a Friday night. We are now more connected than Bill Gates. Any foundation we build must be laid in the context of community and never independence. It is never just about you and your own journey or how much you can be used by God personally. It is about seeing yourself and others as amazing living stones being built according to an awesome blueprint that includes people from all over the nations, who are joined as one. It is so much bigger than YOU. But it is not JUST about you being connected with other people.

Ephesians 2:20 tells us that we are part of God's House (the place where God hangs out - wow!) being formed and constructed on the foundation of the Apostles and the Prophets. Prophets are the ones in our lives that take God's words and speak them into being for us at the right time in the right way. Apostles are the ones who are able to see the bigger picture, taking the words of the prophet and helping us outwork them into a life that counts for Jesus.

These supportive roles of people in our lives are foundationally important. Who is in our life that helps us hear from God for ourselves? Who is there to help us see the bigger picture and know where our journey is heading? But the most vital support of all comes from the one they describe as the cornerstone. the one the whole building is built on and without him the whole caboodle falls apart.

The foundation of your Christianity is Christ. You did not sign up for Churchianity.

When you signed up, you signed up to following a person. Not a programme, not a meeting, not a method, not a trendy youth group, but a person. If you want to build a strong foundation in your life, you must begin to build with Jesus. Without Jesus at the centre, we are not building God's House at all, we may simply be building a little shack, full of floating words, empty promises, self effort and good deeds. Maybe it is time to check our security is being built on the cornerstone and not just in the comfort of the house.

FOUNDATION CHECK: When was the last time you looked at the life and words of Jesus? Is it time to begin to rebuild your life with Jesus really at the centre?


  1. is there a Manuel's in this house of God. :P
    Corinne xx

  2. 'Jesus is the centre of it all, the object of it all, whoever does not know him, knows nothings aright, either of the world or of himself'
    - Blaise Pascal
